A new interactive web application HISTORICAL LANDSCAPE IN THE MIDDLE COURSE OF THE MORAVA RIVER has been created by Marek Hladík, Katarína Hladíková and Tadeáš Červík.
The application aims to present selected types of historical cultural landscape, which have survived to this day on the middle course of the Morava river. It is not an exhaustive mapping of all historical landscape structures or known archaeological sites. The interactive map presents examples of specific types of landscape relics or archaeological sites. They were dated to the first millennium AD, which is the primary focus of our long-term research.
The application is a “signpost” with information about the research of the cultural landscape on the middle course of the Morava river. It also provides links to other thematically-related interactive maps, web applications, online books and articles in specialised journals.
Click here to try it.
Supported by #VisegradFund.