Summer school of Archaeology


The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund.

Season: From 20 June to 15 July 2022

Length of stay: Candidates can attend the summer school for its entire duration or at a time chosen individually in agreement with the organizers.

Project Size: 15 participants

Archaeological research: During the summer school we will carry out a systematic interdisciplinary research of the polycultural site Gbely-Kojatín (Slovak Republic). The dominant historical landscape element in this area is the Early Medieval barrow cemetery (7th – 8th century), which is immediately adjacent to the Germanic cremation cemetery (2nd – 3rd / 4th century AD). In 2022, our primary goal will be research on the burial mounds. The barrow cemetery was researched in the middle of the 20th century by V. Budinský-Krička. However, more comprehensive research into this monument has not yet been carried out. The barrow cemetery is located on the river terrace of the Morava River and is only 6 km away from Mikulčice, one of the most important Great Moravian centres. The whole research is conceived as a broader interdisciplinary research of the historical landscape, therefore the research activities will also include a survey of the landscape and settlement structure on the middle course of the Morava River in the first millennium AD.

Who can participate: students of archaeology, history, anthropology and other related disciplines, those interested in studying archeology, recent university graduates, doctoral students or postdoctoral students.

Practical information: There are no any programme fees. During the stay, free accommodation will be provided directly at the archeological base in Mikulčice (double rooms with bathroom facilities), as well as meals during working hours (7:00 am – 3:30 pm) and transport between the accommodation and the field research site.

Application Deadline: 31 May 2022; send application via e-mail to:

Mgr. Marek Hladík, PhD.;
Mgr. Katarína Hladíková, PhD;

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via e-mail:

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